Common Marketing Terms Everyone Should Know

Whether you’re in the marketing business or want to know more about it, you should know some common terms used in online marketing. These include customer relationship management, lead nurturing, and content marketing. According to author Bart Fanelli, who has more than 25 years of experience in the technology industry, all of these are essential components of a successful marketing campaign.

Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship management (CRM) tracks customers’ information and responds to their requests. It is usually done using software that tracks information, sends emails, schedules appointments, and tracks customer interactions. It is different from traditional marketing, which is done with the help of printed materials. Digital marketing, on the other hand, is all done online and can be accessed from any device connected to the internet.

CRM is a set of practices, strategies, and technologies to improve how businesses interact with customers. These systems compile data about customers across different touchpoints, such as company websites, marketing materials, and direct mail. It helps companies better use customer relationships by offering more personalized services and better information.

Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is a marketing technique that helps you create and sustain relationships with leads. Lead nurturing campaigns can include welcome emails, social media messages, and phone calls. The goal is to continually respond to the lead’s needs, helping them make a buying decision. One key aspect of lead nurturing is the use of marketing automation. In other words, you use a system to track and automate the entire process.

Another key aspect of lead nurturing is the use of targeted content. This means that you create content that addresses the pain points of your leads and matches their needs and interests. In marketing terms, this is also referred to as top-of-the-funnel marketing. This phase of the sales cycle includes people who are just beginning to understand their problem and are looking for information. This is the time to educate them about the solutions to their problems. Today, social media is a powerful marketing tool, allowing businesses to communicate their messages and engage their audiences.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a long-term strategy focusing on establishing a relationship with your target audience. It effectively increases your sales and brand visibility by creating useful content that entices readers to engage with your company. It is also an effective way to improve your overall reputation and build your authority in the marketplace.

Content marketing can be classified into several different strategies. A content strategy is the foundation of a marketing strategy and is responsible for attracting organic traffic from search engines. To create a good content marketing strategy, you must determine what type of content your audience would like to read. In this process, you must carefully consider keywords that will attract your audience. Content marketing techniques will help convert visitors into leads by stimulating them to leave their contact information. The more leads you have, the greater your chances of closing a sale.


SEO is orienting a website to appear higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). The goal is to generate more traffic and revenue through better website rankings. The process involves understanding the audience and the technical configuration of the website. Search engines are complex systems that analyze a user’s search terms and present the most relevant results as quickly as possible.

There are hundreds of different SEO terms, and understanding the basics of each one will help you improve how your site performs.

Boosted posts

Boosted posts are a great way to introduce your business to a wider audience and capture leads. You should know about boosted posts before you begin advertising.

Boosted posts are advertisements derived from your posts on Facebook. Unlike standard advertisements, boosted posts tend to generate more engagement. They’re more likely to be shared by existing followers and show up in users similar to them who don’t follow you. They feel less artificial than traditional advertising.


Remarketing is a form of marketing that retargets people on various channels based on their online activity. This strategy primarily targets website visitors and aims to convert them into customers. This type of marketing is often effective and yields good results if used correctly.

Remarketing is a great way to reach potential customers who have visited your website but did not complete the CTA. Typically, this is done through targeted advertising to past visitors based on cookies. It also involves collecting information on potential customers and building lists to send them sales emails. It is often combined with search engine optimization (SEO), an ongoing effort to increase organic traffic to a website and improve its ranking in search engines.